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Kittens born on 1/01/11 from GIC. Kin-narah Rathi ''Sissi'' (lilac tabby) and CH. Faerie Kiss King Aragorn (seal tabby). They are 2 females and 1 male: Sibilla (sbi n 21), Sophie (sbi b 21), & Shakespeare (sbi n 21). Thanks to Roberta Bianchi form cattery Faerie Kiss for King!

Kin-narah Sophie & Sibilla: chocolate tabby and seal tabby - pet

kin-narah turandot - gatto sacro di birmania lilac tortie kin-narah turandot - gatto sacro di birmania lilac tortie kin-narah turandot - gatto sacro di birmania lilac tortie
kin-narah turandot - gatto sacro di birmania lilac tortie kin-narah turandot - gatto sacro di birmania lilac tortie  

Kin-narah Shakespeare: seal tabby - show. Shakespeare is a very beautiful male, so he will stay in our cattery. He's having a great show career and he became CH. at only 11 month. We are very proud of him

kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point
kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point kin-narah thundra - sacro di birmania blue tortie point